· A comprehensive guide on how to approach the patients in surgery.

· A comprehensive guide to the art of history taking in surgery.

· A comprehensive guide to the art of clinical examination in surgery.

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Price: Free online

ISBN: 978-969-8691-11-0

Publisher & Distributor:


Essentials of Surgery

Paramount Books (Pvt) Ltd.
Head Office: 152/O BLOCK 2 P.E.C.H.S Karachi
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Muhammad Shamim

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Text Box: Clinical Techniques in Surgery

1. History taking

2. General physical examination__

3. Lump ______

4. Ulcer, sinus & fistula__

5. Chest: respiratory system______

6. Chest: cardiovascular system___

7. Chest: breasts_

8. Chest: esophagus_____

9. Abdomen: gastrointestinal & biliary tracts

10. Abdomen: genitourinary tract __

11. Abdomen: herniae ____

12. Abdomen: anorectum _

13. Abdomen: external genitalia___

14. Thyroid gland_

15. Neck _______

16. Salivary glands______

17. Peripheral arterial system______

18. Peripheral venous system______

19. Lymphatic system____

20. Nervous system______


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Surgeon Muhammad Shamim

Consultant Endo-Laparoscopic & General Surgeon

Associate Professor of Surgery